Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Spring Fever

The ducklings have all been sold! I felt bad for poor Deedee - sitting on that nest for 35 days and then only a week with her ducklings! We are at maximum duck capacity, though, and it only seemed to take them disappearing out of hearing range before she was back to normal. It was so easy to sell these ducklings compared to Victoria's back in September. I guess spring is when everyone is acquiring new animals. 

Give a duck a worm and suddenly...

This is why my visions of a beautiful garden bed along the side of the house will never amount to anything. Prime dust bathing location...

Zoey was keeping an eye on a bunch of turkey vultures circling wayyyy overhead. Good farm dog.

They have such a good life! 
(...please ignore the fatness of a certain hairy collie)

Fat because it's buzzy-things season and he prefers to hide inside!

Bad photo, but Abby is loving the new farm sport of dock diving!

I love watching all the perennials come back up. I finally did a good job last year of picking the right combination of shade tolerant plants for this spot!

For some reason, our tomato seedlings really haven't done well this year. We've barely had any even germinate! We can't figure out why, since this has never happened before. Instead of selling them this year, we're going to end up having to buy them!

I went in to check the sheep water and was faced with this...

Check out this guy's funny profile! He looks like he's half bull.

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